A Quick Exploration of the Bongs that Break the Mold

Smoking pipes, also known as water pipes, are a popular method of smoking cannabis. They have various shapes, sizes, and designs, each with unique features and benefits. While some smoking pipes follow traditional designs, some break the mold, offering smokers a unique experience. 

In this blog, you will explore some famous bongs that break the mold, providing an exciting and innovative way to smoke.

The Gravity smoking pipe

The gravity smoking pipe is a unique and unconventional way to smoke cannabis. Unlike traditional smoking pipes, this device does not rely on water to filter and cool the smoke. Instead, it uses the force of gravity to pull the smoke through the chamber and into the lungs. Gravity smoking pipes are usually homemade and consist of a plastic bottle, bowl, and water-filled container. The bowl is packed with cannabis, and the bottle is slowly lifted out of the water, creating a vacuum that pulls the smoke into the chamber. Once the bottle is removed from the water, the smoker inhales the smoke from the bottle.

A gravity smoking pipe is an excellent option for those who want a quick and potent hit. The smoke is not filtered or cooled so it can be harsh on the throat and lungs. However, this smoking method is very efficient, making it a popular choice for those who want to conserve their cannabis.

The Steamroller

The steamroller is a unique and innovative bong that is a take on the traditional hand pipe. It consists of a long tube with a bowl and a mouthpiece on one end. Unlike traditional hand pipes, the steamroller has a carb hole near the bowl. This hole allows the smoker to control the air pulled into the chamber, creating a smoother and cooler hit. A steamroller is an excellent option for those who want a portable and efficient smoking device. It is easy to use, pack, and carry in a small bag or pocket. The carb hole also allows for a more controlled hit, making it an excellent choice for those who want to savor the flavor and aroma of their cannabis.

The Dab Rig

Dabbing is a popular method of consuming cannabis concentrates, such as wax or shatter. A dab rig is a specialized smoking pipe designed to vaporize these concentrates. The rig consists of a water chamber, a heating element, and a nail or banger. The concentrate is placed on the nail or banger, then heated with a torch. As the concentrate heats up, it vaporizes and is pulled through the water chamber and into the lungs.

Dab rigs are an excellent option for those who want a quick and potent hit. The vapor is not filtered or cooled so it can be harsh on the throat and lungs. However, this smoking method is very efficient, making it a popular choice for those who want to conserve their concentrates.

The Hookah

The hookah is a traditional smoking device that originated in India and was later popularized in the Middle East. It consists of a water chamber, a long stem, and a bowl. The bowl is packed with flavored tobacco or cannabis, and the smoke is pulled through the water chamber and into a long hose, which is shared among multiple users.

The hookah is a great option for those who want a social and leisurely smoking experience. It is typically used in groups, making it a great choice for parties and gatherings. The water also cools and filters the smoke, making it smoother and easier on the throat and lungs.


Bongs are traditional smoking devices that originated in India. It consists of a long, cone-shaped tube with a bowl on one end and a mouthpiece on the other. There are various different bongs available for everyone to try. 

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