Breaking Taboos: Open Conversations About Women’s Health
There’s a lot to be said about topics in women’s health that aren’t spoken about. This can be due to old-fashioned ideologies about some subjects just being “off-limits” as well as the shame women can feel about them.
In the last few years, this has shifted somewhat, with more women than ever talking about menstrual pain, pregnancy, birth, and so on. These are all important topics, but there’s still a few that need to be spoken about more openly. So, what are some of the areas in women’s health that need to be spoken about more openly and with less judgment?
Ovarian Cancer
A very common illness among women, ovarian cancer is something of a chameleon.
It can mimic lots of other ailments, which are more common, meaning that it’s often not diagnosed until it’s in its mid or late stages. The most common symptoms include a distended stomach, feeling full, being tired, and swelling in the lower abdomen.
It’s diagnosed with a mixture of blood work and CT scans. It can be treated using Moffitt ovarian cancer treatment from the center, which may involve chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, is another illness that can be well hidden and is usually only diagnosed with an ultrasound. It’s the most common hormonal issue in women of reproductive age and is caused, in short, by the over-production of androgens. It can present with issues relating to fertility, heavy and painful menstrual cycles, as well as excess hair growth.
If you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS or suspect you may have it, you need to contact your OB-GYN or endocrinologist to set up a treatment plan to manage the discomfort and issues with bleeding. If you’re looking to conceive and you have PCOS, you may need hormonal treatments to make the process easier.
Next is endometriosis. This is a common issue in women, which can be caused by or alleviated by childbirth. Simply put, this is a disorder where endometrial tissue (or the tissue that lines the womb) grows in other places in the body, leading to heavy periods, abdominal pain, and issues getting pregnant.
It can be managed with birth control medications and other hormonal treatments, but again, if you’re having issues conceiving, you should look at options with your medical doctor or OB-GYN.
Postpartum Depression
They used to be called the “baby blues” but in the last few decades, it has been recognized as a distinct mental health condition, which can be very serious. It usually happens between 2–8 weeks after the birth of a child but can occur as late as a year after. It presents itself in sleep disturbance, anxiety, depression, difficulty caring for oneself or the baby, as well as disturbing thoughts.
Worst of all, postpartum depression can lead to issues with bonding, and for most women, a combination of therapy and medication is the best way to manage this illness. In more extreme cases, a stay in a mother and baby psychiatric unit can help until all the symptoms have calmed down.