Cute Spider: Here Are Some Exciting Facts About Jumping Spider
Spiders are creepy and horrible and always get a bad reputation. There are a variety of spider species, and not all are harmful to humans. Therefore, we will tell you some exciting facts about cute spiders that will surprise you. The first exciting fact is that jumping spiders have eight eyes when viewed up close. Jumping spiders are different than other spiders.
There is the largest group of spiders on the earth, and a jumping spider can do crazy jumps. Jumping spiders have unique characteristics and fantastic vision and hearing. Let’s discover other fascinating spider facts.
We see jumping spider everywhere, which comes from the Salticidae family. They are a big family, and there are almost 6200 species recognized based on fossils and extant. Mostly these are found in polar regions all around the world.
These jumping spiders prefer to live in tropical areas, and they are in chiller climates. These species are known as Phidippus Regius and Audax species that are seen in the eastern part of North America. According to reports, these had been found in 1975 on Mount Everest slopes.
The jumping spider legs are not super.
These spiders can jump 50 times higher than their body length. However, the fact is that their legs have no muscular legs. They jump based on blood flow and their segmented legs to do their jumping tricks. The body of a spider creates extreme pressure by contacting the muscles of the body’s region. The quick extension of the legs propels the spider.
Jumping Spider Produces Gives Them A Smooth Landing
Jumping spiders are not like other spiders. They produce a silky web when they jump. It also creates a quick web line that serves as a dragline. The web is a way for spiders to gain direction.
A Male Jumping Spider Has a Special Dance
Do you know animals have their way of flirting? The male spiders do a unique dance by which they attract female spiders. The jumping spiders tap their feet to the ground. They also wave their legs in the air.
Jumping Spider Never Use Its Web to Catch Prey
Their webs help them to catch their meal for most of the spiders’ species. However, jumping spiders are different and do not need them because they can get the same results with jumping skills. On finding the target, they extend their legs and add a bit of venom. Most jumping spiders eat small insects, including plant matter. These jumping spiders are dangerous for plants, insects, and large animal varieties. However, humans do not need to worry about their venom.
Jumping Spiders have Sensory Hairs To Hear instead of Ears
The most interesting fact is that jumping spiders do not have ears to hear. However, they have a great sense of hearing because of their hair. These are sensitive and sensory hair that can take vibration from sound waves. These hair are present on the sider’s body, serving as a signal to the brain.
The Vision of Jumping Spider
The jumping spiders have weird eye arrangements. You can see in the center of their heads two small eye fame out of two large eyes. So they have four oversized eyes that allow them to have amazing eyesight. These also provide a sense of motion and wide angle. Moreover, the larger ones provide the ability to see color and spatial understanding. The jumping Spider can look around without moving their head.
Visual Courtship For Reproduction
The courtship displays are complex. The male spiders use their body modifications to perform sideling, zigzag, and vibrational movements. The male will tiptoe toward the female Spider. After that, the male will inject his sperm into the opening of the female genital area that is near to abdomen.
Jumping Spider has a Tiny and Smart Brain.
There are so many studies that tell us they have seed-sized brains. It is very small even can not determine their intellectual capacity. However, researchers show that spider species have intricate and complicated routes for their prey.
Intelligent Spider in the world
Last but not least, fringed or Portia spiders are considered the most intelligent spiders in the world. They have been seen in Australia and Southeast Asia. These are 5.2-10.5 millimeters long. They modify their hunting techniques from time to time.